The Science And History Behind Aging Wine | Signature Cellars
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The Science and History Behind Aging Wine

aging wine

17 Aug The Science and History Behind Aging Wine

The wine has been one the most popular beverages across different cultures for several thousand years now. The art of winemaking has evolved over time and been perfected by enthusiasts. Some winemakers have adopted modern technology to make perfect beverages while others stick with age old traditions to delicately craft an ideal drink. Most wine enthusiasts want to know more about the wine making process and history so here’s a brief introduction to them:

The History of Aging Wine

Wine is aged to cultivate flavour, increase alcohol potency, and provide depth. Aging also ensures the beverage lasts longer when stored in ideal conditions. There has been evidence of aging wine for a long time and in almost all ancient civilizations. The earliest indication dates back 7,000 years and was found in what in modern-day Iran. They were old pottery jugs buried under the floor with evidence of wine in them. Archaeologists have discovered the oldest-known winery in Vayots Dzor in Armenia that dates back to 4,100BC so it’s clear that people started making and aging wine a long time ago.

Ancient Romans were very fond of this beverage and stored them in catacombs to help develop flavour. Other civilizations around the world, developed their own way to age this beverage over time and winemaking became truly popular. A few hundred years down the line, French winemakers dug special caves in the ground to create the perfect environment for aging wine. A similar practice spread across Europe to Italy, Spain, Germany, and other such countries.

Eventually, these caves transformed into full-fledged cellars for wine aging and storage, providing a carefully controlled but natural environment that created beautiful wines with sophisticated flavours. Modern technology can now replicate the exact temperature, humidity, and other conditions needed to create the perfect beverage. Many wine aficionados create custom cellars on their property to help age wines. Many also buy and store wines as an investment and then sell them at some point of time..

The Science Behind Aging Wine

Wine aging is a careful, scientific process because it involves interaction and alteration of many different chemical compounds. The compounds in the wine like acids, alcohol, sugars, esters, and phenolic substances interact with one another to enhance the wine’s flavour. These compounds are influenced by elements like heat, cold, sunlight, vibrations, humidity, and moisture.

The storage containers also play a vital role in the aging process. Some wine is aged in oak barrels, which gives them a very distinctive flavour. If this process is handled carefully, wines develop complex, intricate aromas and tastes. For example, a well-aged Pinot Noir will have a rich aroma of truffles.

Grapes have inherent properties that make it easier to turn grape juice into aromatic wines. Without these properties, wines won’t have a rich variety of flavours and aromas. Grapes and oak barrels also provide tannins, which are some of the most important compounds present in wines. Tannins provide subtle acidity and bind proteins, which is one of the reasons why red wine goes well with meat because it is rich in tannis.

Winemakers take care to monitor the level of this compound in a drink because it can make wine too bitter and dry. The aging process allows tannins to transform and settle at the bottom of a wine bottle, ensuring the beverage no longer has an astringent property and is very mellow to the taste. Good levels of tannins ensure the wine is full-bodied, and has a supple, and smooth texture, which is coveted by most wine connoisseurs.

To find out about how Signature Cellars can help you design and build a wine storage solution that can help protect your investment and add value to your home, call us on 1300 570 636 or email

Thanks for reading,
Neil Smallman
Signature Cellars
1300 570 636

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