Signature Cellars | Contemporary Wine Cellars
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Contemporary Wine Cellars

Age Your Wine, Not Your Styling

Wine cellar design has evolved considerably over the years to adapt to modern requirements and preferences. You no longer need to build a large, cavernous cellar under a mansion as you can simply make do with a couple of large climate-controlled wine racks in the corner of your basement. Contemporary wine cellars are ideally suited for modern homes and come with sophisticated systems to monitor and control the environment.

Contemporary Wine Cellars:

Contemporary wine cellar design is suitable for modern homes because it’s sleek and clean. We use modern materials, designs, and techniques to give the cellar the signature contemporary feel our clients want. Contemporary designs are very flexible and can easily compliment your home’s architecture; so even if your home has a traditional English-cottage style decor and design, you can install a contemporary wine cellar. The two styles won’t clash and there will be a seamless design flow in your home. Here’s what you can expect in a contemporary wine cellar:

  • Sleek and Fresh Design – We design a clean and modern cellar with the latest in durable metal racking. Unlike timber racks, ones made of metal don’t appear thick and bulky. The structure doesn’t take up much space but it’s sturdy and durable.
  • Easier to Maintain – Metal racks and contemporary wine cellars are easier to maintain because the overall design is cleaner and more minimalistic. You won’t find any heavy embellishments or intricate designs; just straightforward and streamlined structures that only need a slight dusting every now and then.
  • Types of Metal – We use tried and tested materials in our contemporary cellars to ensure our clients get the best performance and durability. We offer a number of material choices to our clients and offer recommendations based on their preferences. If you prefer an industrial look, you can choose stylish galvanised steel racking. For a more high-end contemporary feel, we recommend clean black powder-coated tracks.
  • Affordability – Metal is more affordable than traditional timber because it’s easier to work with and shape into racks. We can use prefabricated racks and assemble them into any design or arrangement you require. Metal racks let us build a stunning wine cellar at a fraction of the cost of traditional timber racking.

We can also arrange for the supply and installation of insulation, climate control, lighting and other services. All prices are dependent on the size of room and type of finish required so please enquire for more details and a complimentary site visit. Our experts will arrive at your property to assess and measure everything before they offer a detailed quote for your very own contemporary wine cellar.

Contemporary Wine Cellar
Elevate Wine Storage

EleVate Wine Storage:

People who desire contemporary wine cellars are often impressed by our EleVate wine storage system. This system has all the markings of a contemporary style but is very unique. If you want something that will stand out and immediately catch attention, you should consider this storage system. Here are some reasons why it’s so special:

  • The EleVate system, as the name suggests, consists of elevating acrylic or timber cradles. These cradles are suspended on thin but resilient stainless steel rods. This gives the illusion that the cradles are hovering in air.
  • Your wine bottles are clearly visible and showcased in a beautifully artistic way. The overall effect is stunning and with the right light, it can look even more sleek and modern.
  • The stainless steel rods are structured to connect vertically between timber cabinets at the ceiling and floor levels to provide the right support. This ensures the racks are sturdy and can withstand the weight of all the bottles.
  • These racks also have LED display lighting so your wine bottles are highlighted in the best way possible. As mentioned before, the right light can make all the difference, especially if you use acrylic cradles as they’re see through.
  • The cradles and structural elements can be manufactured from a range of different materials, including timber, metal, glass, acrylic and more.
  • You can also choose from among different timber species with a number of stains and lacquer finish options available.

We recommend this storage system to clients who want something out of the ordinary. The EleVate system looks almost futuristic, which appeals to a number of our clients. This system is also very durable, no matter which material you choose. Our designers and installers double check everything before, during, and after the installation. This helps ensure the entire system is solidly installed and anchored to the wall and floors. You won’t have to deal with cradles collapsing under pressure.

Other fully bespoke contemporary designs are also available, for more information on wine storage design and construction, you can call Signature Cellars on 1300 570 636 or use this contact page to get in touch with us. We’ll be pleased to assist you.

From Dream To Concept To Reality

We blend your vision, your architect’s plans and our flair for high-end design to give you a stunning space that will vibrant and memorable.

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