Signature Cellars | Wine Racks – Five Things you should Consider
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Wine Racks – Five Things you should Consider

Wine Racks

10 Jul Wine Racks – Five Things you should Consider

The number of wine connoisseurs is growing in Australia and there are some excellent quality wines being produced here as well. More and more people are starting to appreciate fine vintages and many have started to collect wines, hoping to age them and savour them when they’ve reached their full maturity. However, that requires proper wine storage.

Buying wines, finding a rare vintage at a bargain price, taking a sip of an excellent Barolo or Cabernet Sauvignon or even an Australian Pinot Noir is a great experience. This is a passion that’s fast overtaking Australians and many of them have started to consider collecting wines. However, it is when one starts to think of collecting, that some practical concerns start to intrude.

People need to think of wine storage before buying wines, especially if they’re thinking of collecting. Wines are just as delicate as they are complex and compelling and unless they’re for immediate consumption, should be stored with care. Wine racks are often the preferred method of storing them; however, there are certain things to consider before buying a wine rack.

#1 Consider how much wines need to be stored

A serious collector with eventually amass a large collection of wines, some are known to have a hundred bottles and some collections can range above a thousand. It is important to consider what a person needs and just how much bottles they plan to own in the near future.

If a person, due to financial reasons or personal preferences would keep only ten to fifteen bottles at a time, a small rack is more than enough to store wines. If a person intends to collect more and suspects their collection would grow large over time, they might invest in a large rack.

#2 Consider what the wines need

A collector would need to find the proper place to store their wines. Wines are delicate and if exposed to excessive heat, can age prematurely. If they’re exposed to light, they can be damaged. Too much cold will damage the wine too and with moisture, the corks would shrink and expose the wine to the air, causing it to oxidize.

Wines need to be stored properly. The best way to do it is to place the rack in a cool, damp place away from sunlight and not likely to be disturbed by vibrations or heat. Keeping wines away from the sunlight is absolutely essential.

#3 Short term or Long term

The ideal long term storage conditions for the wines are about 14 degrees Celsius and about 65% to 75% of humidity. These conditions need to be maintained for the wines to age properly. Moreover exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet rays can damage the wines. Wine racks are good for about 6 months of storage however beyond that, a person might need to invest in climate control options. For long term, wine cellars or cabinets would be a better option.

#4 Storage options

People can purchase young wines that they intend to age in bulk. One might have about a dozen in a box and those need to be stored properly as well. There are wine racks available that can house such boxes.

Wine bottles can come in different shapes and sizes too. Champagnes like Dom Perignon or Taittinger have larger bottles of different shapes and they might not fit in a traditional wine rack. A bottle of Chianti certainly won’t squeeze into same narrow bracket, either. One would have to get the rack customized to store different bottles.

#5 The Material

Wine racks can come in wood, glass or metal and one can have their pick of them. A person would most likely pick something that fits into the aesthetics of their home. However, it pays to ensure that the finishing of these racks is smooth and they’re without any sharp edges. Rough edges can damage the bottles and scratch the labels and that can adversely affect the overall value of the wines.

The rack should also be able to bear the weight of the number of bottles it would house so it should be sturdy enough to handle the weight.

If you have any questions regarding wine racks and wine cellars or need to have them installed in your home, give us a call at Signature Cellars on 02 9340 7515 or use this contact form to get in touch with us and we’ll get back to you.

Thanks for reading,
Neil Smallman
Signature Cellars
02 9340 7515

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