Reasons To Store Wine Bottles On Their Side | Signature Cellars
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Reasons To Store Wine Bottles On Their Side

reasons to store wine bottles on their side

09 Sep Reasons To Store Wine Bottles On Their Side

Many observers puzzle over the custom of slanting wine racks to protect their precious contents. The corresponding query is whether or not long-term vertical storage of wine maintains its quality. Should a case of wine be consumed immediately, or does it have a long shelf life?

There is some disagreement regarding whether you should store wine horizontally or vertically. Some people advocate for the upside-down storage of wine bottles. In order to put our findings into context, we will classify the time needed to store wine into one of three categories:

  • Short term – under six months
  • Midterm – 6 months to 5 years
  • Long-term – Over five years

Storing Wine On Its Side

Those who advocate laying wine down on the side make an argument that keeping the liquid in contact with the cork will prevent the cork from drying out during long-term storage. Because the wine is exerting pressure against the cork, less air will be able to enter the bottle over time, limiting the potential for oxidation.

Storing Wine Upright

Proponents of vertical storage point out that corks can dry out even when stored horizontally. Many people believe that cork constantly immersed in the liquid will wear out much faster than cork used occasionally.

Supporters of this theory note that the air in the headspace (between the surface of the liquid and the cork) is very humid. The cork will stay moist if you leave a bottle upright in a humid environment. Proponents and detractors of vertical wine storage may agree that a cork or wine stored vertically for a short or medium period poses little to no risk of damage. People who have observed both types of wine storage methods report that cork damage is less common in wines that were stored on their sides for extended periods.

How About Wine Bottles With Screw Caps?

No consensus storing a bottle of wine on its side improves the wine’s quality when the bottle has a screw cap. Some of the benefits of storing screw-cap wine bottles on their sides are:

  • Saves space
  • Displaying wine bottles in racks can add aesthetic value to a space.
  • The act of the host selecting a bottle from a wine rack is somewhat ritualised.

Many people don’t give much thought to the scientific research behind wine storage, so it’s no surprise that this is also why most individuals store wine bottles with the corks facing down.

Wines that have corks can be safely kept for a few years if the bottles are stored upright in a cool, dark place.

The Test of Good Condition Wine

Wine’s colour and flavour can change due to oxidation, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s spoiled. Due to the fact that oxygen can improve the taste of many wines, decanting is a common practice before serving. But beyond a certain point, it stops improving the wine and begins to turn it into vinegar.

To start, examine the hue. The colour of red wines can change from bright red to brown and brick, while the colour of white wines can intensify and turn more yellow. The next step is to try it by sipping some (sour wine probably wouldn’t hurt you). Expired red wines lose their fresh aromas and flavours and take on a nutty, sherry like quality. A spoiled, vinegary taste will develop in the whites.

Custom Wine Cellar Design

The best way to avoid wine spoilage is to store wines correctly, which entails working with a skilled, professional custom wine cellar designer. When you hire the services of a reputed wine cellar company, they will provide you with all the necessary information on effective racking systems. They will consider your specific requirements, such as the size of your bottles, placement, materials used, and storage.

For information about custom wine cellar designing and installation services, call Signature Cellars on 1300 570 636. We are here to help with all your wine cellar requirements from start to finish so that you have the customised, sophisticated wine cellar of your dreams.

Thanks for reading,
Signature Cellars
1300 570 636

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