Wine Blog

What Makes a Good Wine?

What Makes a Good Wine?

When we talk about a wine being good or bad, or even great, it might not always be a very objective opinion because everyone has a very different palate preference. And just because you don’t like a particular wine, doesn’t really make it bad. Before we look at what makes a good wine, let’s take […]

How to Pair Wine and Moods

How to Pair Wine and Moods

A number of studies have been conducted that prove music has the ability to alter your mood and interestingly, wine can do the same thing for you. For instance if the weather is very hot and you are sweating a lot, sipping on a full-bodied Shiraz will only intensify this feeling of heat. On the […]

Let’s Bust Some of the Common Wine Myths

Let’s Bust Some of the Common Wine Myths

When it comes to wine collecting, wine tasting, uncorking wines, storing them or pairing them with different foods, you will find a lot of information floating around on the Internet. But not all of it is accurate and some pieces of traditional wine wisdom are nothing but myths. We just thought we should embark on […]

Starting on a Wine Collection? Here are some Tips for You

Starting on a Wine Collection? Here are some Tips for You

If you are planning on starting on a wine collection, you are sure to be curious about the different types of wines that can and can’t, should and shouldn’t be cellared, the right storage conditions etc. Wine collection is a serious hobby and since many wines represent a significant investment, it makes sense to research […]

Creative Wine Storage Solutions for Modestly-Sized Spaces

Creative Wine Storage Solutions for Modestly-Sized Spaces

It’s probably every wine lover’s dream to have acres and acres of wine cellar space to stock their precious wine collection. But then, not every wine lover is the owner of a chateau in France. At times it happens that people struggle to find space in their homes for a decent-sized wine storage space for […]

Magnum Size Wine Bottles – Some Storage Solutions

Magnum Size Wine Bottles – Some Storage Solutions

A true wine aficionado can never get enough of wine – no matter where they travel; it’s as if they have an in-built GPS that directs them to the closest wine store. Unlike common folks, they literally scour various famous locales for fine wines and while they do pick up standard Bordeaux-size bottles, many also […]

The Complete Guide to Champagne – How to Open, Serve & Store

The Complete Guide to Champagne – How to Open, Serve & Store

If you like champagne and like to bring out a bottle of fine bubby, every time you invite special guests over for dinner, it’s a good idea to learn how to open and pour champagne – and this isn’t very difficult to learn. However, getting the bottle’s cork out is only 50% of the task […]

Ideal Gifts for your Wine Lover Friend

Ideal Gifts for your Wine Lover Friend

When your wine lover friend’s birthday, anniversary etc comes along, you probably start stressing over what you can gift him/her. Well, you aren’t alone in this quandary. A lot of people feel completely lost when it comes to gifting something to their friends who love wine. It’s but obvious that you would want to gift […]

Few Tips to Using Your Wine Glasses Right

Few Tips to Using Your Wine Glasses Right

Has it ever happened to you that you are sipping on a vintage Chardonnay and suddenly notice that the wine has gone warm and looks hazy inside the glass? Now, how exactly did that take place? Regardless of whether you are casually sipping on some wine from generic stemware in your house or from designer […]

Conduct Wine Tasting as a Team Building Exercise

Conduct Wine Tasting as a Team Building Exercise

There’s nothing wrong with trying out a new and interesting idea for team building. After all, there are only so many times you can play games or conduct team building programs at traditional locations before they stop being effective.It’s vital to introduce fresh new ideas to the table often when it comes to team building […]